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Write My Essay For MeQuestion:
Assessment 1:
Description Prepare an A3 Digital Poster that describes how public, private, not-for-profit agencies or faith based groups, and you as a professional, can result in the realisation of a more just global community. Choose one of the organisations or agencies from the list below:
- REACT International
- All hands
- Reconciliation Australia • National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council • St Vincent de Paul Australia • Save the Children • Beyond Blue • Catholic Earthcare • The National Catholic Education Commission Page 8 of 11 Version: • World Vision • Malala
Fund A detailed description providing you with additional information about how to undertake this assignment is available on the unit’s LEO page under Assessment > Assignment 1 Poster Template. You can also use this PowerPoint template for your Digital Poster. You must follow the format guidelines in Assessment > How to create your poster. Please note: To support your preparation for this assessment, UNICEF and Caritas are provided as examples for Module 1 activities.
Purpose: To describe how the efforts of public, private, not-for-profit agencies, or faith based groups, and you as a professional can result in a more just global community
Part One (3 marks) HD marks Provides a highly distinctive description of the chosen organization.part Two (3 marks) HD marks Provides a highly distinctive description of the ways in which the organisation contributes to the realisation of a more just global community
Part Three (10 marks) HD = 8.5-10 marks DI = 7.5-8 marks CR = 6.5-7 marks PA = 5-6 marks NN = 0-4.5 marks Provides a highly distinctive description of how the student as a professional can contribute to the organisation’s efforts for the realisation of a more just global communityPart Three (10 marks) HD = 8.5-10 marks DI = 7.5-8 marks CR = 6.5-7 marks PA = 5-6 marks NN = 0-4.5 marks Provides a highly distinctive description of how the student as a professional can contribute to the organisation’s efforts for the realisation of a more just global community Referencing (2 marks) F=0 P=1 C=1.3 D= 1.5 HD=2.0
Exemplary citation of all sources of information to support the credibility and authority of the information presented.
This poster intends to elucidate more on World Vision Australia , a faith based organization focused on global integration through mission service ,engage the eradication of poverty and child welfare in communities around the world Organizational vision; Every child, life in all its fullness.Organization core values; Commitment to Jesus Christ and the poor. Honour and reflect them consistently through attitudes, decisions, actions and relationships.
Overview of Organisation
- World Vision Australia is a community development organization set up in Melbourne in an effort to alleviate poverty.
- It is a component of the Australian Council for International development(ACFID) and works under the ACFID code of conduct.
- Founded in 1966, by the World Vision International with focus on the well being of special groups especially children
- The initial proposal to set up the NGO in Australia was put forward by Bernard Barron
- It began with focus on emergency relief but evolved over time to steer a transformational development agenda.
- The main source of funding is from the Australian Agency for International Development(AusAID) but also receives support from UNICEF,UNHCR and the World Food Programme.
- World Vision Australia from its foundation has transformed to diverse initiatives in response to humanitarian emergencies ,environmental preservation, child rescue and education al in an effort to realise a global community
Contribution to the Common Good
- Humanitarian and emergency relief, in cases of disaster , world vision has a 72hrs response. This is in both natural disasters such as earthquakes and conflicts and war. This was seen in the aid to the Japan Tsunami in April 2011 .
- Environmental protection and tree planting; The “Twice as green” initiative rolled out to facilitate productive farming and reafforestation, through this in East Africa there is reported eighty-eight percent increase in tree cover and participation in natural resource use projects.
- Child rescue, reaches out to struggling children mainly orphans ,homeless and victims of war. This is especially seen in Syria and the funding of the Gaza Office of World Vision.
- Primary Health care especially in mitigating the effects of chronic malnutrition through Measures in Food security and nutritional education.
- Community capacity building, exemplified in the reach out to financial advice and establishment of self help groups among refugees and host communities thus peaceful coexistence, this productivity is shown in the Imvepi refugee settlement in Uganda. 767,000 refugees in Uganda have benefited from this.
- Community development and gender equality, in the quest to a global community focus in empowering political and civil roles of men and women resulting in decreased domestic violence and proper financial decision making
- Impacting healthcare, evident from the DART(Daru Accelerated Response to Tuberculosis) sites in Papua New Guinea tasked to testing ,diagnosis and treatment of TB.
My Professional Contribution
As a professional in Nursing I would deploy my skillset in the course of the good of World Vision through;
- Implementing the elements of Primary Health Care with focus in prevention of disease and nutrition
- Promoting maternal and child health and education on the importance of health and sanitation.
- Championing for community participation in comprehensive healthcare and interlinking between health professionals
- Promote the equitable distribution of healthcare and resources to all individual irrespective of age, sex , caste and social class
- Invest in research on community outreach and health improvement programmes
- Coordinate relief food distribution programmes and provide nutritional insight in malnutrition and other nutritional insufficiencies.
- Invest time in finding out the resource distribution mechanism with a keen basis on the urgency of need.
- Link the various players in the effort of community empowerment and promotion of equality.
Bryant?Lukosius, D., DiCenso, A., Browne, G., & Pinelli, J. (2004). Advanced practice nursing roles: development, implementation and evaluation. Journal of advanced nursing, 48(5), 519-529.
Coate, B., Handmer, J., & Choong, W. (2006). Taking care of people and communities: rebuilding livelihoods through NGOs and the informal economy in Southern Thailand. Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal, 15(1), 135-145.
Commins, S. (2015). World Vision International and donors: too close for comfort?. NGOs, states and donors: Too close for comfort, 140-55.
Savage, K., & Harvey, P. (Eds.). (2007). Remittances during crises: implications for humanitarian response. London: Humanitarian Policy Group, Overseas Development Institute
Shuman, M. (2012). Towards a global village: International community development initiatives. Pluto Press (UK).
Strömberg, D. (2013). Natural disasters, economic development, and humanitarian aid. Journal of Economic perspectives, 21(3), 199-222.
van Eekelen, W. (2013). Revisiting child sponsorship programmes. Development in Practice, 23(4), 468-480.
Yuen, P. (2008). ” Things that Break the Heart of God”: Child Sponsorship Programs and World Vision International. Totem: The University of Western Ontario Journal of Anthropology, 16(1), 6.
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: Solution Essays appeared first on Solution Essays.
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