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A Advertising Aeronautics African-American Studies Agricultural Studies Alternative Medicine American History American Literature Anthropology Antique Literature Application Essay Architecture Art Asian Literature Asian Studies Astronomy Aviation B Biology Business BWL C Canadian Studies Case Study Chemistry Communication Strategies Communications and Media Company Analysis Computer Science Creative writing Criminology D Dance Design Analysis Drama E E-Commerce East European Studies Economics Education Education Theories Engineering English English Literature Environmental Issues Ethics F Finance G Geography Geology H Healthcare History Holocaust | I Information technology International Affairs/Relations Internet Investment IT Management IT-management J Journalism L Latin-American Studies Law Legal Issues Linguistics Literature Logistics M Management Marketing Marketing Mathematics Medicine and Health Movies Music N Native-American Studies Nature Not listed/Other Nursing Nutrition P Paintings Pedagogy Pharmacology Philosophy Physics Political Science Psychology Public Relations R Religion and Theology S Shakespeare Studies Sociology Sport T Teacher’s Career Technology Theater Tourism Trade |
- Accounting and Information Systems (Department of Accounting and Information Systems)
- Antarctic Studies
- Anthropology
- Applied Data Science
- Applied Immersive Game Design
- Applied Psychology
- Art Curatorship
- Art History
- Art History and Theory
- Art Theory
- Astronomy
- Audiology
- Cellular and Molecular Biology
- Chemical and Process Engineering
- Chemical, Natural and Healthcare Product Formulation
- Chemistry
- Child and Family Psychology
- Chinese
- Cinema Studies
- Civil Engineering
- Classics
- Clinical Psychology
- Clinical Teaching
- Communication Disorders
- Communications
- Computer-Assisted Language Learning
- Computer Engineering
- Computer Science
- Construction Management
- Counselling
- Creative Writing
- Criminal Justice
- Cultural Studies
- Education
- English
- English Language
- Entrepreneurship
- Environmental Health
- Environmental Science
- Environment and Health
- Ethics
- European and European Union Studies
- European Studies
- Evolutionary Biology
- Film
- Finance
- Finance and Economics
- Financial Engineering
- Financial Management
- Fine Arts
- Fire Engineering
- Forest Engineering
- Forestry
- Forestry Science
- French
- Management & Law
- Hazard and Disaster Management
- Health and Community (College of Education, Health and Human Development)
- Health Behaviour Change (College of Education, Health and Human Development)
- Health Education
- Health Information Management (College of Education, Health and Human Development)
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences Professional Practice
- Higher Education (Course Information Site)
- History
- Human Resource Management
- Human Services
- Law
- Leadership (College of Education, Health and Human Development)
- Learning and Behaviour (College of Education, Health and Human Development)
- Learning Support
- Linguistics
- Literacy
- Management
- Management Science
- Māori
- Māori and Indigenous Health
- Māori and Indigenous Leadership
- Māori and Indigenous Studies
- Marketing
- Nursing
- Operations and Supply Chain Management
- Pacific Studies
- Painting
- Palliative Care (School of Health Sciences)
- Performance
- Philosophy
- Photography
- Physical Education
- Physics
- Plant Biology (School of Biological Sciences)
- Policy and Governance
- Political Science and International Relations
- Positive Behaviour Support (College of Education, Health and Human Development)
- Power Engineering
- Primary Teacher Education
- Product Design
- Professional Accounting
- Professional and Community Engagement
- Psychology
- Public Health
- Entrepreneurship
- Science and Entrepreneurship
- Science Education
- Science, Māori and Indigenous Knowledge
- Sculpture
- Secondary Teacher Education
- Social Work
- Society and Policy
- Sociology
- Software Engineering
- Soil Science
- Spanish
- Specialist Teaching (College of Education, Health and Human Development)
- Speech and Language Pathology (see Communication Disorders)
- Speech and Language Sciences
- Sport Coaching
- Statistics
- Strategic Leadership
- Strategy and Entrepreneurship
- History
- Taxation (see Taxation and Accounting)
- Taxation and Accounting
- Teacher Education
- Teaching and Learning (College of Education, Health and Human Development)
- Teaching and Learning Languages (College of Education, Health and Human Development)
- Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
- Te Reo Māori
- Tertiary Teaching
- Transportation Engineering (Department of Civil and Natural Resources Engineering)
- University Preparation
- Urban Resilience and Renewal
- Marketing
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