
Portfolio sections 4, 5, and 6 Section 1 – Assessment Task Overview and Description

Portfolio sections 4, 5, and 6
Section 1 – Assessment Task Overview and Description
This task is submitted at the end of Week 7. The students apply what they have learned in class, use the resources available on CANVAS and what they research using suggested resources.
The portfolio will be part of an operating manual for a new Bookkeeping enterprise. It will be used by the owners of the business to ensure legal and other risks are managed. It may be used by future employees. It may be expanded to cover enterprise policies and procedures.
Writing style – Report style
Refer to Financial Services style guide for writing on CANVAS Each student submission will use Microsoft word.
Each submission will be written in a formal yet friendly tone.
Students must use Plain English and Active Language
Students must ensure they are not verbose, use redundant expressions or superfluous words. The word count for each section must not exceed 500 words
Section 2 – Assessment Task Submission Information
Submission Details
1. The assessment task must be submitted via Canvas
2. Ensure to include on the front page or in the header or footer of your assessment:
? your name
? student ID
? your teacher’s name
? the unit code/s and title/s
? the assessment task title
3. Submissions received after the submission date must be approved by your teacher.
Number 2 Title Portfolio sections 4, 5, and 6
Summary of Evidence to be Submitted
Using the same business structure you set up in Assessment 1 – (Either a new business or an existing business that you may have) answer the following questions, and present this in your Manual or Portfolio already started in Assessment 1. These two assessments (Assessment 1 and Assessment 2) then become your final Portfolio. Ensure you number each section clearly with the relevant questions.
For your final Portfolio – is a word document with a Table of Contents, the correct question headings and consistent fonts. Use references where applicable, page numbers and your name on each page.
Section 1.4
1. Document how the business will store and maintain legal documents and records including backup copies.
2. Design a credit application form for your business, customising a relevant Australian template and referencing it.
3. Document how the business will protect its legal rights when it sells its services.
4. Document how the business will comply with general legal responsibilities.
Section 1.5
1. Prepare a standard form “Contract for the Sale” of bookkeeping services, or other business services that are business to business. Note this is not a Business to a customer sales contract instead this is often called “B to B Services.” Your customer in this case is another business owner. Make it as real as possible by customising the templates found to suit your business and reference the template.
Section 1.6
1. Identify any commercial leasing options for premises for your business and use an example of any contractual arrangement for a commercial lease. Where would you go for support on this topic?
2. List internal and external risks to the business with the use of a risk matrix. Make the risk matrix specific to your business risks, showing the probability-likelihood and impact of these risks and the priority for them for treatment. Mention an action you can take to mitigate each risk you identify.
3. List all the types of insurance required by any business and state what insurance applies for your business in particular.
The task will be assessed as satisfactory when all of the required evidence listed has been satisfactorily demonstrated.
* If applicable, for graded units, the task must be satisfactorily completed before marks will be allocated. Refer to your unit outline for more information.
Number 2 Title Portfolio sections 4, 5, and 6
Section 3 – Assessment Task Criteria and Outcome
All items/criteria must be demonstrated satisfactorily to achieve this task. The items/criteria for this activity will be assessed as S – Satisfactory or US – Unsatisfactory.
1.4 Item/Criteria – Met or Not Met
1.5 Item/Criteria – Met or Not Met
1.6 Item/Criteria – Met or Not Met
Section 4 – General Assessment Information
Decision Making Rules Each activity in the assessment task must be satisfactorily completed for the task to be assessed as satisfactory.
Every task must be satisfactorily completed to be assessed as competent in the unit.
* For graded units, competence must be demonstrated before a mark can be given.
Plagiarism There are serious penalties for plagiarism that may include repeating a new assessment task or being withdrawn for the unit / course.
Students must ensure that all assessments are their own work (or group work and clearly noted as such).
Please refer to www.swinburne.edu.au/corporate/registrar/plagiarism/index.html
Reasonable Adjustment Students may request reasonable adjustment for assessment tasks.
Reasonable adjustment usually involves varying:
? the processes for conducting the assessment (eg: allowing additional time, varying the venue)
? the evidence gathering techniques (eg: oral rather than written questioning, use of a scribe, modifications to equipment)
However, the evidence collected must allow the student to demonstrate all requirements of the unit.
If you have any other issue that may impact your ability to undertake the assessment, please discuss with your teacher.
(where tasks are not satisfactorily completed) Assessment tasks that are not satisfactory can be resubmitted up until the end of the unit as scheduled on the Unit Outline. The timing on this may depend on the equipment required for this assessment task.
Resubmissions received after the scheduled unit end date may not be accepted unless approved by the teacher prior to the end date.
Number 2 Title Portfolio sections 4, 5, and 6
Note: Assessment tasks submitted for the first time after the unit end date as scheduled in the Unit Outline will not be assessed and the student should re-enrol into the unit.
Special consideration Students may apply for Special Consideration where personal circumstances have adversely affected their task result or ability to undertake an assessment. A Special Consideration form can be completed prior to, but no later than 3 days after, the date of assessment and submitted to the relevant Manager.
Work Health & Safety Activities may require the use of equipment or participation in group exercises. If the teacher identifies any unsafe activity or potentially dangerous situations, the teacher can stop the assessment at any time.
Number 1 Title Portfolio sections 1, 2, 3,
Section 1 – Assessment Task Overview and Description
This task is submitted at the end of Week 4. The students apply what they have learned in class, use the resources available on CANVAS and what they research using suggested resources.
The portfolio will be part of an operating manual for a new Bookkeeping enterprise. It will be used by the owners of the business to ensure legal and other risks are managed. It may be used by future employees. It may be expanded to cover enterprise policies and procedures.
Writing style – Report style
Refer to Financial Services style guide for writing on CANVAS Each student submission will use Microsoft word.
Each submission will be written in a formal yet friendly tone.
Students must use Plain English and Active Language
Students must ensure they are not verbose, use redundant expressions or superfluous words. The word count for each section must not exceed 1000 words, plus or minus 10%.
Section 2 – Assessment Task Submission Information
Submission Details
1. The assessment task must be submitted via Canvas
2. Ensure to include on the front page or in the header or footer of your assessment:
? your name
? student ID
? your teacher’s name
? the unit code/s and title/s
? the assessment task title
3. Submissions received after the submission date must be approved by your teacher.
Number 1 Title Portfolio sections 1, 2, 3,
Summary of Evidence to be Submitted
You need to think of business structure you wish to set up. This could be a new business you are interested in getting started, or an existing business that you may already have.
In applying the new business structure you wish to set up answer the following questions, and present this in a Manual or Portfolio (something you can use in the future, and refer to down the track in your business). A word document with the appropriate headings and consistent fonts is appropriate.
Section 1.1
1. Explain why you have chosen a particular ownership structure for your business and how you considered; costs, taxation, regulation and available resources in the set up.
2. Document the following legislation and regulatory requirements affecting the enterprise:
a) What are the Home based business requirements for your local Council. Who is the Local Council? (Ask your council using your current address and reproduce the relevant principles).
b) What are the Information Privacy Principles required and how do these apply for your business? (Reproduce the relevant principles).
c) What are the Registration of limited Partnerships costs and forms required for a business?
d) What are the requirements from your Council for the use of Permits to Place Signs, the costs and the forms required for a business?
Section 1.2
1. Document and explain the work health and safety responsibilities of the business and any company enterprise.
2. Document and explain how the business/enterprise will ensure business registration will not lapse.
3. Document and explain how the business/enterprise will ensure environmental requirements are met.
Section 1.3
1. What are the procedures and dates that will need to be followed to ensure compliance with taxation obligations for your business? How will you go about this?
2. Download a calendar and colour code 2019 providing all the due dates using information from ATO website for ALL the expected obligations for tax, and those of your new enterprise in the calendar year.
The task will be assessed as satisfactory when all of the required evidence listed has been satisfactorily demonstrated.
* If applicable, for graded units, the task must be satisfactorily completed before marks will be allocated. Refer to your unit outline for more information.
Number 1 Title Portfolio sections 1, 2, 3,
Section 3 – Assessment Task Criteria and Outcome
All items/criteria must be demonstrated satisfactorily to achieve this task. The items/criteria for this activity will be assessed as S – Satisfactory or US – Unsatisfactory.
1. Item/Criteria – met
2. Item/Criteria – met
3. Item/Criteria – met
Section 4 – General Assessment Information
Decision Making Rules Each activity in the assessment task must be satisfactorily completed for the task to be assessed as satisfactory.
Every task must be satisfactorily completed to be assessed as competent in the unit.
* For graded units, competence must be demonstrated before a mark can be given.
Plagiarism There are serious penalties for plagiarism that may include repeating a new assessment task or being withdrawn for the unit / course.
Students must ensure that all assessments are their own work (or group work and clearly noted as such).
Please refer to www.swinburne.edu.au/corporate/registrar/plagiarism/index.html
Reasonable Adjustment Students may request reasonable adjustment for assessment tasks.
Reasonable adjustment usually involves varying:
? the processes for conducting the assessment (eg: allowing additional time, varying the venue)
? the evidence gathering techniques (eg: oral rather than written questioning, use of a scribe, modifications to equipment)
However, the evidence collected must allow the student to demonstrate all requirements of the unit.
If you have any other issue that may impact your ability to undertake the assessment, please discuss with your teacher.
(where tasks are not satisfactorily completed) Assessment tasks that are not satisfactory can be resubmitted up until the end of the unit as scheduled on the Unit Outline. The timing on this may depend on the equipment required for this assessment task.
Resubmissions received after the scheduled unit end date may not be accepted unless approved by the teacher prior to the end date.
Number 1 Title Portfolio sections 1, 2, 3,
Note: Assessment tasks submitted for the first time after the unit end date as scheduled in the Unit Outline will not be assessed and the student should re-enrol into the unit.
Special consideration Students may apply for Special Consideration where personal circumstances have adversely affected their task result or ability to undertake an assessment. A Special Consideration form can be completed prior to, but no later than 3 days after, the date of assessment and submitted to the relevant Manager.
Work Health & Safety Activities may require the use of equipment or participation in group exercises. If the teacher identifies any unsafe activity or potentially dangerous situations, the teacher can stop the assessment at any time.
Section 1 – Assessment Task Overview and Description
Charlie would like a price list that his salespeople can use when on the ‘phone to customers. He’s asked you to put together a spreadsheet. It’s important that the spreadsheet is accurate as pricing errors can affect the profitability of the company, especially with orders involving large quantities.
The spreadsheet should conform to the corporate style guide which requires the Calibri font, 11pt for normal text and column headings, and 14pt for main headings. All headings should be bold and centred within their cells. Where numbers are amounts of money, the Accounting number format should be used.
This pricing data is sensitive and should be stored in the company’s secure drive [the student’s OneDrive] under the name PRICESNOV-XX (where XX is the student’s initials).
The company uses Microsoft Excel for internal documents.
Charlie has sketched out what he would like the price list to look like:

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The Production Manager has supplied a tab-delimited text file that you can import into your spreadsheet application. This file contains a list of products along with their categories (cameras, lenses, bags, etc.) and their cost prices. You will use formulas to work out the prices based on these costs.
1. Complete your Spreadsheet Design Template based on the information above.
2. Import the tab-delimited file you received from the Production Manager (called ProductCategoryCost), by opening it from within Excel.
[Hint: you may have to select All Files or Text Files to see the file].
3. Make room at the top of your spreadsheet and create the heading and the three input boxes for Corporate discount rate, Camera markup and Accessories markup (apply the Input style to show which cells must be filled in by the user).
4. Enter a Corporate discount rate of 5%, a Camera markup of 10%, and an Accessories markup of 50%.
5. Create a Markup column and enter an IF formula in this column, so that if the Category is “Camera”, the markup is Cost*Camera markup; otherwise the markup is Cost*Accessories markup.
[Hint: don’t forget to use absolute cell references for markup cells at the top of the sheet]
6. Create a Retail price column which is Cost + Markup.
7. Create a Corporate price column which is the retail price less the corporate discount.
8. Create a Retail price incl. GST, by adding 10% to the Retail price; and create a Corporate price incl. GST, by adding 10% to the Corporate price.
9. Hide your Cost and Markup columns.
10. Change the Accessories markup to 60%.
11. Save your document as an Excel Workbook and ensure that your spreadsheet meets Charlie’s requirements for formatting and storage.
12. Choose someone to check your spreadsheet (different to the person you chose in the last portfolio exercise). You should deliver your spreadsheet for checking at least one week before the final delivery date (which is the assessment due date).
Section 2 – Assessment Task Submission Information
Submission Details Due date: Refer to Canvas Assignments
Please submit your completed Spreadsheet Design document and a Microsoft Excel document to Canvas.
Submissions received after the submission date must be approved by your teacher.
Summary of Evidence to be Submitted
? A completed Spreadsheet Design Template based on the instructions provided.
? A spreadsheet which is designed and produced in accordance with the organisational requirements specified in the instructions above.
The task will be assessed as satisfactory when all the required evidence listed has been satisfactorily demonstrated.

Section 3 – Assessment Task Criteria and Outcome
All items/criteria must be demonstrated satisfactorily to achieve this task. The items/criteria for this activity will be assessed as S – Satisfactory or US – Unsatisfactory.
1. Spreadsheet Design Template is completed, based on the information provided.
2. Spreadsheet is designed and produced within the organisational requirements as specified.
3. Spreadsheet is named and stored as specified.
4. The correct spreadsheet application has been selected and used to produce the spreadsheet.
5. Calculations are accurate and consistent. The spreadsheet has been checked by a third party and contains no major errors.
Section 4 – General Assessment Information
Decision Making Rules Each activity in the assessment task must be satisfactorily completed for the task to be assessed as satisfactory.
Every task must be satisfactorily completed to be assessed as competent in the unit.
* For graded units, competence must be demonstrated before a mark can be given.
Plagiarism There are serious penalties for plagiarism that may include repeating a new assessment task or being withdrawn for the unit / course.
Students must ensure that all assessments are their own work (or group work and clearly noted as such).
Refer to https://www.swinburne.edu.au/current-students/manage-course/exams-results-assessment/plagiarism-academic-integrity/plagiarism-misconduct/
Reasonable Adjustment Students may request reasonable adjustment for assessment tasks.
Reasonable adjustment usually involves varying:
? the processes for conducting the assessment (eg: allowing additional time, varying the venue)
? the evidence gathering techniques (eg: oral rather than written questioning, use of a scribe, modifications to equipment)
However, the evidence collected must allow the student to demonstrate all requirements of the unit.
If you have any other issue that may impact your ability to undertake the assessment, please discuss with your teacher.
(where tasks are not satisfactorily completed) Assessment tasks that are not satisfactory can be resubmitted up until the end of the unit as scheduled on the Unit Outline. The timing on this may depend on the equipment required for this assessment task.
Resubmissions received after the scheduled unit end date may not be accepted unless approved by the teacher prior to the end date.
Note: Assessment tasks submitted for the first time after the unit end date as scheduled in the Unit Outline will not be assessed and the student should re-enrol into the unit.
Special consideration Students may apply for Special Consideration where personal circumstances have adversely affected their task result or ability to undertake an assessment. A Special Consideration form can be completed prior to, but no later than 3 days after, the date of assessment and submitted to the relevant Manager.
Work Health & Safety Activities may require the use of equipment or participation in group exercises. If the teacher identifies any unsafe activity or potentially dangerous situations, the teacher can stop the assessment at any time.

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