
Philosophy Paper : Course Help Online

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Explain, reconstruct, and evaluate three objections to logical behaviorism as discussed by Searle (do not discuss the antecedent hypothetical objection). Make sure you first present a general view of this type of behaviorism and only after that the four objections discussed by Searle. Next, present possible rejoinders from the logical behaviorists.  Finally, evaluate the rejoinders:  Are the rejoinders enough to salvage logical behaviorism or not? 

Your papers must be 5-6 pages long Word Documents (1250-1500 words), 12” font, typed, double spaced, with 1”margings all around, and properly footnoted[1]. In addition, you should place your name only on the last page of your paper.  You must turn in both a hard copy in class during the first fifteen minutes of the class on the due date, April 23 and an electronic copy through Turnitin on the same day, April 23.  Late papers will suffer the penalty of a reduced grade (whether they are handed in late or electronically late). All papers will be checked for possible plagiarism through Turnitin, and any found to be in violation will be dealt according to the administrative guidelines outlined in the Students’ Rights and Responsibilities Handbook. For sources, you area only allowed to use your textbook by Elliot Sober and the audio files of Dr. John Searle used in class. Refer to John Searle audio files as John Searle Audio 1, 2 or 3.  

Down below I’ll leave the videos, and if you need Sober’s book please let me know.

You need an Introduction (I), Solutions (II), Logical Behaviorism (III), Evaluation (IV), Conclusion (v)

You also have a file as a sample on how the paper should be structured (including footnotes)

Also, I’ll leave some notes so you can see the format as requested by the professor

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: Course Help Online appeared first on Course Help Online.

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