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Extra Credit: Essay
In this assignment you will read the chapter “Intelligence as a Malleable Construct” from Handbook of Intelligence (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and write a 500+ word essay. This assignment will have 3 parts: summary, reflection, and recommendations.
In the summary, make sure to include:
· What is a fixed mindset?
· What is a growth mindset?
· How can mindset affect achievement?
· How are different mindsets cultivated in students?
· How can the delivery of praise impact performance?
· Describe several studies that support the claims about the malleability of intelligence.
· Can mindset be changed? How?
In this section, describe how the contents of this chapter relate to your participation in this class or other experiences you’ve encountered during your educational career (or life in general). Give specific examples.
Give specific examples about how educators at UC Santa Cruz can promote a growth mindset in their students.
This chapter can be accessed from this link: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Note: you must be logged in to Google with your UCSC credentials to access.
Submit your assignment as a text entry on Canvas by the deadline.
You may write the essay in paragraph form, or you may answer each question separately.
Grading Rubric
1 pt What is a fixed mindset? What is a growth mindset?
1 pt How can mindset affect achievement?
1 pt How are different mindsets cultivated in students?
1 pt How can the delivery of praise impact performance?
2 pt Describe several studies supporting claims of the malleability of intelligence.
1 pt Can mindset be changed? How?
2 pt reflection
1 pt recommendations
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: Course Help Online appeared first on Course Help Online.
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