
Discuss how well the researchers explain the procedure for collecting data.

Detailed instructions for Assessment Task 3: Critical Appraisal of a Research Article (1800 words) – 45%
Description: This is an individual assignment which requires you to conduct a detailed and systematic critical appraisal of a research article. This critical appraisal will require you to examine a research article, evaluate it according to what you have learned in this unit, and consider how the results might inform practice.
Choose one of the following articles for this critique.
• (Quantitative article). Ackerman, I., Osborne, R. (2012). Obesity and increased burden of hip and knee joint disease in Australia: results of a national survey. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. 13:254 http://ezproxy.acu.edu.au/login?url=http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3564744/
• (Qualitative article). Porter, E. (199). ‘Getting up from here’: frail older women’s experiences after falling. Rehabilitation Nursing. 24(5) 201-206.

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In particular, you are required to:
1. Present the assignment as a scholarly/academic essay with an introduction, body and conclusion. o The introduction should present the overall topic and purpose of the essay, how you will address it, and why it is important to be able to assess a research study.
o The body will follow the research process set out in the article and will include all aspects of your appraisal and critique.
o The conclusion should be a brief overview of the main points you have made in the body. No new information should be included.

2. During your appraisal: o consider both the strengths and weaknesses of the article, and
o discuss how the recommendations from the article could be used in evidence-based clinical practice (EBP)

3. Students are strongly advised to use the Marking Guide and detailed instruction in LEO as a guide when writing the essay.

4. This essay should be approximately ± 10% of 1800 words, 1.5/double spaced, 1” margins, 12 point font, with a range of relevant scholarly references and using APA referencing. The format follows the research process

1. This essay should be formatted as a scholarly paper. Be sure to begin with a short introductory section to present the overall topic and purpose of the essay, how you will address it, and why it is important to be able to assess a research study.
2. A guideline to assessing quantitative and qualitative articles will provide you with guiding questions to consider as you evaluate the article you have chosen. You can access the guidelines from the electronic learning system. It is important that you critically and systematically appraise all aspects of the chosen article.
3. Based on the article you appraised, consider both the strengths and weaknesses of the article, and discuss the recommendations that could be made in terms of implementing evidence-based clinical practice (EBP).
4. Students are strongly advised to use the Marking Guide as a guide when writing the essay.
5. This essay should be approximately ± 10% of 1800 words, 1.5/double spaced, 1” margins, 12 point font, with 15 scholarly references and using APA referencing. The format follows the research process

HLSC122 ACADEMIC ESSAY – The above assessment task is best addressed using the following format:
Introduction [Approx. 200 words]
Your introduction should include a brief overview of the overall topic and the focus of your essay.
Body [Approx. 1400 words]
Use the quantitative or qualitative guideline to structure the paragraphs in the body of your essay. Ensure you critically appraise all aspects of the article, and discuss the clinical implications in relation to EBP.
Conclusion [Approx. 200 words]
The conclusion should give a brief summary of the main points of the essay.
Length and/or format: 1800 words
Purpose: To demonstrate your achievement of each learning outcome shown below.
Learning outcomes assessed: 1, 2, 4 and 6.
How to submit: Submission is via the Turnitin Drop Box on the electronic learning system
Return of assignment: Assignments along with comments will be returned via the Turnitin Drop Box on the electronic learning system not more than three weeks after the final submission date.

HLSC 122: Assessment Task 3: Written Assignment (1800 words) 45% – Marking Guide.
Critical Appraisal
HD (76.5-90) DI (67.5-76.4) CR (58.5-67.4) PS (45-58.4) NN (<45) Score
Critical appraisal of the evidence:
Critically appraise all aspects of qualitative or quantitative article
Marks allocated for each section:
• Title, author, and abstract: 10 marks
• Introduction/ literature review: 10 marks
• Methodology and methods: 10 marks
• Results: 10 marks
• Conclusion: 5 marks
Demonstrates a comprehensive critical appraisal (i.e. comprehensively, accurately analyses and appraises all aspects of the article). For the most part, demonstrates a comprehensive critical appraisal (i.e. accurately analyses and appraises all aspects of the article). Demonstrates a sound critical appraisal (i.e. accurately analyses and appraises the most aspects of the article). Demonstrates an adequate critical appraisal (i.e. accurately analyses and appraises some aspects of the article; some aspects are based on description rather than appraisal). Attempts to demonstrate some critical appraisal (i.e. your appraisal is insufficient/ inaccurate/ irrelevant). /50
Critical appraisal of the evidence:
Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses
The clinical implications in relation to EBP Critically analyses and evaluates the strengths and weaknesses in the research report.
Discusses the significance of clinical implications mentioned in the research report and relates these to utilisation in EBP. Clearly analyses and evaluates some of the strengths and weaknesses in the research report.
Discusses the significance of clinical implications mentioned in the research report and relates these to utilisation in EBP Describes most of the strengths and weaknesses in the research report.
Describes the significance of clinical implications in the research report and relates these to utilisation in EBP Lists some of the strengths and weaknesses in the research report.
Lists clinical implications mentioned in the research report and relates these to utilisation in EBP Restates parts of the research report and does not refer to its strengths or weaknesses.
Clinical implications not explained and EBP not mentioned. /25
The format follows the quantitative or qualitative guideline -research process The format accurately follows the research process in the sections of the research report. The format mostly follows the research process in the sections of the research report. The format follows some of the research process in the sections of the research report. The format minimally follows the research process in the sections of the research report The format does not follow the research process in the sections of the research report.

Academic writing – grammar, spelling, punctuation, Sources and Referencing
• The content matches the outline presented in the introductory paragraph. All paragraphs are organised in a logical manner so that content flows from one paragraph to the next with a rational conclusion.
• Adhered to academic writing/formatting guidelines.
• There are minimal errors with grammar, spelling and punctuation, and the meaning is easily discernible.
• Credible and relevant references are used. Accurate use of APA referencing style on most occasions.
• Minimal use of direct quotes.

Kept to the word limit
• The content in the essay mostly matches the outline presented in the introductory paragraph. Most paragraphs are organised in a logical manner, and the essay ends with a rational conclusion.
• Adhered to academic writing/formatting guidelines.
• There are some errors with grammar, spelling and punctuation. However, the meaning is readily discernible.
• Credible and relevant references are used. Accurate use of APA referencing style on most occasions.
• Minimal use of direct quotes

Kept to the word limit
• There is a clear introduction, followed by the body of the essay, with a conclusion. However, content within the body and within paragraphs is occasionally illogically sequenced.
• Adhered to academic writing/formatting guidelines.
• There are substantial errors with grammar, spelling and punctuation. The errors detract significantly, but the meaning is discernible.
• Most references are credible and relevant. Accurate use of APA referencing style on most occasions.
• Minimal use of direct quotes

Kept to the word limit
• There is a clear introduction, followed by the body of the essay, with a conclusion. However, there is little evidence of sequential presentation of information.
• Adhered to mostly adhered to academic writing/formatting guidelines.
• There are substantial errors with grammar, spelling and punctuation. The errors detract significantly, but the meaning is discernible with some effort.
• Most references are relevant, but some lack credibility. Accurate use of APA referencing style on most occasions.
• Use of some direct quotes

Within +/- 10% or word limit
• There is no clear introduction, body and conclusion.
• There is no sequencing.
• Non-adherence to academic writing/formatting guidelines
• There are substantial errors with grammar, spelling and punctuation, such that the errors detract significantly from the meaning.
• Not all references are credible and/or relevant. Many inaccuracies with the APA referencing style.
• Excessive reliance on direct quotes

GUIDE FOR APPRAISING QUALITATIVE RESEARCH ARTICLES Sections of the research article Address these points:
Title Explain how the title represents what the research is about.
Author/s List what research expertise can be ascertained from the author/s qualifications and
Abstract Demonstrate how, in the abstract, there is an outline of:
• the research problem;
• the research question or aim/s of the research;
• the methodology and methods employed;
• the findings;
• and the conclusion.
Introduction/ literature
review Outline how the literature is reviewed to identify a gap in previous research.
Identify whether primary or secondary sources are used and provide examples to demonstrate why this is relevant.
Explain how the introduction and/or literature review provides a context for the research problem.
State the significance of the research problem.
Discuss to what extent the literature is critically appraised.
Methodology and methods. Outline the aim of the research and explain how this relates to the research problem. Examine how the methodology allows the researchers to answer the research question or address the aim/s of the study.
Explain whether the sampling method is suitable.
Discuss how well the researchers explain the procedure for collecting data.
Outline the data analysis methods and discuss whether the data analysis is rigorous. Explain whether ethical issues are considered.
Findings Provide examples to illustrate whether the study findings are clearly stated.
Describe the importance of findings being clearly stated and supported with dialogue. Summarise how the authors have linked the findings of this study to similar research
Explain whether the findings are credible.
Limitations Explain how well the author/s discuss the study findings in relation to the research
question or aim/s of the study.
Describe how the study’s limitations are addressed.
Conclusion Outline how well the conclusion follows logically from the findings of the study. Explain how the author/s argue for the relevance of their findings to clinical practice and make recommendations for further research.
If the author/s do not argue this, explain how the findings might inform clinical practice.



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