
describe how the active participation of consumers and nominated carers in planning care and treatment contributes to a persons recovery in a mental health context.

Assignment guide:
The historical care and treatment of people with a mental illness has provided strong evidence to underpin the need for less paternalistic more inclusive models of care. The recovery movement has driven the necessary revisioning of mental health care service delivery on a worldwide scale. The empowerment and inclusion of consumers and carers in care planning and treatment is the foundation of the recovery movement. This shift has been reflected at all levels of service planning and care delivery and also within the legislation that governs the care treatment and control of people who are mentally ill or disordered (NSW Mental Health Act 2007).
Assignment questions:
This assignment is organised within 4 parts:
Part a) requires you to describe the provisions for involvement of family and nominated carers in mental health treatment within the NSW Mental Health Act 2007 .
Part b) requires you to review a variety of literature and discuss the meaning of recovery within the context of mental health.
Part c) requires you to discuss nurses inclusion of consumers in planning their mental health care and treatment and how this participation has changed with the advent of the recovery movement.
In part d) describe how the active participation of consumers and nominated carers in planning care and treatment contributes to a persons recovery in a mental health context.
Finally write a short conclusion that analyses and synthesises your discussion of the above areas with the implications for nurses across all areas of nursing practice.
This is an essay and therefore there should not be any headings within your work. Each section of discussion should end with a sentence or two that lead into the next section.
Construct a short introduction that informs the reader of the areas you will be discussing in your essay (the four sections).
Note that 50% of the marks for this work are attributed to how well you argue (critique) the information you are presenting how well you write it and how you reference. Please apply a consistent approach to referencing (needs to be school style).
As a guide if you find one reference for each area of discussion you can only describe what the authors have said and this will attract a pass mark at best. To critically analyse you need to source a few references for each point you are making and compare and contrast the authors different findings or point out that they all agree (reach a conclusion).
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describe how the active participation of consumers and nominated carers in planning care and treatment contributes to a persons recovery in a mental health context. was first posted on August 31, 2020 at 1:33 pm.
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