
Analyze application of theories to the development of policies that affect nursing and health care.

Analyze application of theories to the development of policies that affect nursing and health care.

The purpose of this assignment is to: (a) identify and reflect upon key concepts related to your policymaker visit (CO #3); (b) provide empirical evidence to support new insights gained regarding your policy issue and the policymaking process (CO #6); and (c) present ideas in a clear succinct and scholarly manner (CO #3).
This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:
(CO#1) Analyze application of theories to the development of policies that affect nursing and health care. (PO 9 10)
(CO#3) Communicate with policymakers to advocate for effective policies that affect nurses and nursing consumers or the health care system. (PO 2 3 10)
(CO#6) Investigate the interrelationship between policy decisions and evidence-based practice. (PO 4 7 10)
DUE DATE: Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 7
TOTAL POINTS: 275 points
Assignment Criteria for Presentation
1. Describe your visit/presentation including any PowerPoint presentation materials that you utilized during your policymaker visit. Limit these slides to five slides in this project (of the 15 total slides). This includes any handouts that you left with the policymaker.
2. Discuss the response of the policymaker to your message/ask/recommendation(s).
3. Reflect on the process follow-up plans insights gained about the issue and process and support with evidence.
4. Describe possible future opportunities as a result of this meeting and their importance to nursing.
5. Provide concluding statements summarizing the content.
6. Develop a 15-slide PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes in APA format not including title and reference slides. Write speaker notes sufficient enough to enable someone to take over or give the presentation other than you.
After completing Policymaker Visit Ungraded Worksheet 3 develop an electronic presentation to describe analyze and reflect upon your policymaking visit. Include 5 slides from the PowerPoint presentation that you would have used during an actual policymaker visit. Include a minimum of five (5) classic or current references within the past 5 years that specifically support insights gained regarding your policy issue and the policymaking process.
Category Points % Description
Visit Description 50 18 Clearly describes the policymaking visit/presentation (includes no more than 5 slides from actual presentation)
Policymaker Response 50 18 Slides and speaker notes discuss responses of policymaker to your message/ask/recommendation(s).
Reflections on Process 50 18 Reflections on process (including supportive evidence) follow-up and insights gained (issue and process) are clearly described in slide and speaker notes.
Future Opportunities 50 18 Describe possible future opportunities as a result of this meeting/presentation and their importance to nursing.
Conclusions 45 16 Concluding statements summarize content.
APA format 15 6 Slides speaker notes and references are completely consistent with APA format.
Presentation/Writing 15 6 Slide and speaker notes content are accurate. Presentation slides are professional in appearance and tone. Rules of grammar spelling word usage and punctuation are consistent with formal written work. Balance among space words/graphics and color is effective.
Total 275 100

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